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Terms of Service

By commissioning me, you have read and agreed to these terms and services.


If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me on my social media or 


Age needs to be confirmed if you wish to order a commission which includes nsfw/nudity !


Please make sure to save the artwork right after you receive it!






What I will/ won't draw:



- Anthro, feral
- Monsters, horror, cute
- Humans, humanoids, robots
- Original characters

- Fan art

- NSFW (ask for info if interested)



- Most fetishes (ask if unsure)
- Illegal content and substances such as pedophilia and drug usage (alcohol and cigarettes are fine)
- Hate art, racist, homophobic etc. content




I retain the right to post the finished artwork on my portfolio, commission info, commission order forms as well as my social media sites.


- All commissions are drawn digitally as I don't print commissions. If the customer wants to print it they are free to do so but only for personal use.


- I have the right to decline the commission even without a reason (however this is unlikely to happen).

- My artwork may not be used for commercial or monetary uses. This includes minting them into any kind of NFT's, crypto currencies or AI training databases!


- You are not obligated to commission me if the final amount does not suit you, even after filling a form. If the amount is out of your budget and you change your mind, please let me know.



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1) Payment


- Payment is done upfront via Paypal invoice (so please don't send the payment using my email address etc.)


- I start working on the commission after I have received the full payment.

- The currencies I accept are euro and usd, but I prefer euro.

- Deviantart points and dual payment are accepted as well.



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2) Workflow


- My turnaround time can vary from a week to 1 or 2 months depending on workload and irl life. I will keep the customer updated the best I can.

- After filling the form I contact the customer with the price of the commission. After the price is confirmed I will send an invoice. After payment I start working.


- I deliver WIPs of the artwork during the commission process.


- I don't usually accept deadlines to commissions, but depending on certain situations (for example a birthday) that can be discussed. I will ask a fee of +30% in that case.


- I will send the finished artwork(s) to the place the customer has written in the form.


- The customer may ask for any changes or alterations such as a different pose or outfit before I start lineart. If they wish to ask for major changes after the lineart and/or base colors are done, I will ask a +20-50% fee depending on the amount of work I have already put into the piece. Changing minor things such as color of the hair or part of clothing does not require any additional payments. If the customer sees I have missed a detail after the commission is done, they can point it out and I'll change that, but only right after the work is finished. I won't do any changes if they request edits after a week of completion for example.



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3) Refunds


- If the customer needs a refund, for example, something unexpected has come up and they need the money back, I can be messaged and we'll discuss about it. They will get a certain percentage back depending on the amount of work I have already put into the commission.



Customs and character designs

I retain the right to post my designs and adoptables on my portfolio, commission order forms, social media sites and commission info.

- The buyer
owns the character, however I retain the right to create species and do similar designs with my work.



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1) WIPs and finished image(s)

- I show WIPs of the commission to make sure the customer gets a design they like.

- I send the finished image(s) to the place the customer has written in the form.



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2) Owner of the character can:


- Add scars, accessory, jewelry, clothing, change gender, make a human/anthro/animal version (as long as it remains recognizable).


- Trade, gift, raffle and resell the character. However, there has to be added art either own or commissioned before selling for a higher price! Please be reasonable with pricing as well. Art acquired for free such as gift art and art fight pieces doesn’t count to the price.


- Use it in stories, RP with them and add them to a comic/game/story etc. See below for commercial use.


- Make nsfw art of the adopt if the character and the buyer are 18+.


- Co-own the design with someone else.



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3) Owner of the character can not:


- Change the design completely until it becomes unrecognizable. If you however wish to redesign it, that’s fine, but don’t sell/trade the old and new versions as separate designs.


- Re-create or copy the design and/or make an open/closed species out of it (however, if the character is a species inside a story or comic for example, that is fine as long as they are not made into an open/closed species). I also don’t mind if the buyer wants to add the character to an existing open/closed species.


- Alter the artwork itself and/or remove my signature.


- Make nsfw art if the character is feral (unless the character is very fantasy-like e.g. a dragon and is clearly sentient and capable of consent) or it otherwise is/looks like a child.


- Claim the design as one's own. Proper credits must be given of the design.



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4) Commercial use:


- The owner can add the character to any of their project, although I'd like to be informed about it first especially if it is commercial (I won't ask royalties or a cut, just would like to know generally out of interest what projects my designs might be used in).


- I don't allow the art piece(s) made by me to be turned into merchandise e.g. shirts, posters, stickers or pins. Merchandise can be done of the character if the pieces sold are drawn by the owner (or by another artist who allows commercial usage of their works). I also require a mention somewhere of the original design.


- In short, commercial use is allowed as long as the art made by me is not used in commercial purposes.


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5) Notes:

- My links for crediting if uploading the character anywhere. I don't allow reuploading the design anywhere without proper credit.


- My adopts/customs and art may not be used as a mascot/advertisement for any kind of hate, homophobic, transphobic, racist etc. content! Using my art in AI learning as well as minting them into NFT are strictly prohibited.


- (outside Toyhouse) credit me at least the first time when the character is drawn. I would love to see what the owner comes up with the character!


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Edited 5.04.2024

© Limerami 2024 commissions

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